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how to place an order 

  1. Schedule a time through Calendly (link is below instructions) for delivery that is up to 21 days in advance. 

  2. Answer the questionnaire on the next Calendly page that includes your name, email, the location you would like to meet at, along with any allergies. 

  3.  Go to the menu on this website to the "shop" page. There, you will see the options of desserts that you can order! Once you have decided the item(s) you would like to get, click on the item, choose the quantity (and in some cases, the flavor and color), and proceed to check-out. 

  4. Once in the check-out menu, please write a note (this is found on the left side under times that are in your cart) with your email address. 

  5. Thank you so much for your order! I will send a reminder email 24 hours before the dessert delivery.

calendly booking form

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